Still testing web waters? Online but not enough noticed? In bad need for a quick advice? You are almost done. Just indicate your business concerns through the following form. If you happpen to be a web expert who likes to give a hand, you may kindly leave a comment outlining your vision. We should get back to you in good time.


This is our 2024 reach-out program. Enrollment in the program is subject to availability of seats. All applicants should receive informative website reviews. Top ten startups in need for SEO advice and Content Tweaks will get appropriate feedback. They can even be linked to the present site for more exposure, if they so require or approve. Kindly apply by the end of JUNE 2024. This may help establish firm and promising partnerships.


Applicants should provide evidence they are the owners or webmasters of currently up and running websites. Preference will be based on proven compatibility with our basic business objectives. This spells out as helping startups get pretty noticed in potential markets. If you are now considering possible cooperation, make sure you best formulate your web business concerns.


This contact form is not meant to be a subscription form. It rather provides a means to express main business concerns experienced by novices or receive some expert advice. If you seek subscription to the blog head to the appropriate form on the home page. Failure to cope with this gentle reminder may hinder consideration of your data. Have a nice business.

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